Got a friend's anniversary, birthday, graduation, or even engagement? Well, there is no better way to mark a special occasion than with flowers. Order same day delivery flowers today.

Same Day Flower Delivery - How To Order Flowers Online


Your flowers will be hand-delivered that same day! Choose from our collection of Florist Delivered flower arrangements, plants, gift baskets, extra items like balloons and chocolate, or our other fabulous signature items, all designed to deliver a smile today to your recipient! To view more of our same-day delivery bouquet range and flower arrangements, click on the respective links. 

Sending same-day flowers and gifts is a fun and thoughtful way to celebrate a special occasion or surprise a loved one. While sending fisers are a beautiful and classic way to express yourself, pairing the flowers with a gift basket, balloon, or other assorteD gifts, can add to the creativity and thoughtfulness of your present. Add same-day delivery to the mix, and you get a special package that is sure to delight.



Fabulous Flowers offers a wide range of flowers and gifts for the same-day occasion. Select from flower arrangements that include elegant roses, classic gerbera daisies to bright roses. Bright and cheerful lilies, choose from gift options that include fruit baskets, balloons, health and well-being products and stuffed animals. Adding a vase for someone when you order flowers can be a welcomed addition. 

Same-day flowers and gifts are an easy and thoughtful way to express your feelings, and offers a unique collection of beautifully created flowers and gifts for any celebration. Our fabulous products are available for same day delivery in Cape Town and are hand-delivered to the door of someone you love at their home or corporate office.

want something bespoke?

Got a friend's anniversary, birthday, graduation, or even engagement? Well, there is no better way to mark a special occasion than with flowers. Order same day delivery flowers today.

How to send Same Day Flower Delivery